Members of Volume 94’s Senior Board—from left to right, Kansas Guidry, Lindsay S. Harris, Jordan A. Ollestad, Nicolette S. Kraska, and Andrew Mahtook—celebrate at the 2019 Tulane Law Review Banquet in the Audobon Tea Room.
As the Mardi Gras Krewes and their floats are preparing to parade, Volume 94 of the Tulane Law Review is ready to roll. With Issue 1 already in circulation and Issue 2 soon to come, this year’s extremely talented and motivated staff is well underway in its production of the latest volume of the Review.
Kansas Guidry serves as Volume 94’s Editor in Chief. She is from Terrytown on the Westbank of New Orleans where she lives with her mother, sister, and grandparents. She graduated from St. Mary’s Dominican High School and received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History from Fordham University. After graduation, she will serve as a judicial clerk to the Honorable Barry W. Ashe of the Eastern District of Louisiana.
Jordan A. Ollestad serves as Volume 94’s Senior Managing Editor. Originally born in Stockhold, Sweden, Jordan grew up in Clearwater, Florida and Boca Raton, Florida. However, she has lived in New Orleans since 2008 when she attended Tulane University as an undergraduate. Before law school, she worked at Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman & Sarver, LLC in New Orleans where she worked first in recruiting and then as a paralegal for the products liability trial team. This past summer, she worked at Weil Gotshal & Manges in New York City, where she will be working in the fall after taking the bar.
The managing editors for Volume 94 are Tyler Cochrane, Adrianna Culbreth, Alixe Duplechain, Patrick Isacks, Paul Denham Kieffer, Matthieu Robért, Yuxi Wang, Taylor Delrie Waxley, Chelsey Whynot, Simon Willis, and Kathleen Wright.
Lindsay S. Harris serves as Volume 94’s Senior Notes and Comments Editor. Lindsay is from Dix Hills, Long Island, New York, though she moved to New Orleans before law school to work at an antique and vintage button store. This past summer, she was a summer associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton in New York City, where she will be working after graduation. Although Lindsay is “a New York gal,” she loves New Orleans and can’t wait to come back one day.
The notes and comments editors for Volume 94 are Samantha Astrich, Ricky Legg, and Peter C. Rathmell.
Nicolette S. Kraska serves as Volume 94’s Senior Articles Editor. A native of Saint Louis, Missouri, Nicolette worked in Chicago for four years as an intellectual property litigation consultant. This past summer, she split her time between Jones Walker LLP and Lugenbuhl, Wheaton, Peck, Rankin & Hubbard. After graduation, Nicolette will clerk for the Honorable Eldon E. Fallon of the Eastern District of Louisiana. Be sure to check out her Case Note about maritime contract interpretation in Volume 93 and her forthcoming Comment about the Extraterritoriality of the U.S. Patent Act.
The articles editors are Gabrielle Ball, Annie Blanc, Jenna Raden, Matthew D. Ross, and Blair Trahan.
Rounding out the Senior Board is Andrew Mahtook, who is serving as the Senior Associate Editor. From Lafayette, Louisiana, Andrew graduated from the Louisiana State University in 2016 with a Bachelor’s degree in finance. This past summer, he clerked at Liskow & Lewis and Fishman Haygood in New Orleans. After graduating, Andrew will be joining Liskow & Lewis in their business section. Andrew is also a dual MBA student in the Tulane AB Freeman School of Business and has done international consulting trips in Italy and Argentina through the program.
The Associate Editor for Volume 94 is Annie Blanc, while the Diversity Editor is Samantha Astrich. In addition, Peter C. Rathmell serves as Volume 94’s Online Editor, Patrick Isacks serves as the Symposium Editor, and Yuxi Wang serves as the Research Editor. Oliver Atticus Kaufman is serving as a member at large.
The junior members of Volume 94 include Chandler Block, John Ellis Cupit V, Isabel Englehart, Ellen D. George, Elizabeth Harrison, Hayden Q. Hawkins, Abigail Joens-Witherow, Tasia Kastanek, Gabriella Leonovicz, Ilsa Luther, Audrey Martin, Jacob W. McCarty, Ryan Monk, Dara Mouhot, Jacqueline Odom, Connor Rabalais, Alex Rodriguez-Perez, Alexa Rummel, Chelsea Ryan, Read Rydberg, Darcy Samuelsohn, Brandon M. Sprague, Chace Vienne, Jessica Webb, Caroline Wilson, and James Wong.
Professor Ronald J. Scalise, a staff member of the Review for Volumes 73 and 74, continues to serve as the Review’s Faculty Advisor. Kristy S. Christiansen will facilitate publication of the Review as Publication Supervisor. Samantha Foster will handle the Review’s finances as the Financial Services Specialist. Julian Tricamo-Palmer will serve as the Review’s project assistant.