Professionalism is a lofty ideal to which all lawyers should aspire. It includes the elements of ethics and integrity, competence combined with independence, meaningful continuing learning, civility, obligations to the justice system and pro bono service. In today's hectic practice of law, it is difficult to fulfill the dictates of professionalism that must therefore be strenuously reinforced in us all. The effort should start in law school and continue with the work of the organized bar and professional associations with the encouragement of the courts. Through a concerted effort by each of these institutions, the public's confidence in the legal profession and our own enjoyment of the practice will be restored. The Law in the 50s, it was a calling; in the 70s, it was a profession; in the 80s, it became a business; and if we do not watch out by 2000, it will be a racket. Celia Johnstone, President Canadian Bar Association August 1992