As the temperatures begin to drop, the students and staff of Tulane Law Review are busy preparing Volume 93's upcoming issues. This year's staff is comprised of dedicated students who work tirelessly to continue the Review's dedication to excellence in legal scholarship.
Anais M. Jaccard is Volume 93's Editor in Chief. Originally from Los Angeles, Anais received a Bachelor of Arts in Art History from Bard College in 2011 and worked in the restaurant industry in New York City for five years before moving to New Orleans for law school. Anais was a summer associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, and will serve as a judicial clerk to the Honorable Eldon E. Fallon of the Eastern District of Louisiana after graduating.
Members of Volume 93’s Senior Board—Anais Moore-Jaccard, Luke LaHaye, Julianne Weidman, and Ryan Niedermair—celebrate at the annual Tulane Law Review Banquet.
Luke G. LaHaye serves as Volume 93’s Senior Managing Editor. Luke is a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he received both a Bachelor and Master's of Science in Finance from Louisiana State University. After working at a law firm in Baton Rouge, Luke decided to pursue a J.D. at Tulane. His comment discussing property abandonment in New Orleans, will be published online in the spring. After graduation, he will join Adams & Reese in New Orleans.
The managing editors for Volume 93 are Patrick M. Bollman, Sara Lynn Levy, Kathleen McCarte, Ryan D. McNamara, Erin M. Morrissey, Jansen T. Owen, Michelle Pichardo, Jessica L. Sherman, Madeline Weisblatt, Emily E. Werkmann, Taylor K. Wimberly, and Gabe Winsberg. Kathleen M. McCarte also serves as the volume's research editor, and Philip Turpin is a member at large.
Oliver Atticus Kaufman holds the title of the volume's Senior Notes and Comments Editor. Oliver is currently pursuing joint Juris Doctor and Masters of Business Administration degrees. He graduated from Tulane University in 2015. He has worked as a judicial extern to Judge Martha Vázquez of the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico and as a summer associate in the New York offices of Davis Polk & Wardwell. He currently externs as a student law clerk at the United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Louisiana.
The notes and comments editors for Volume 93 are Charles Flanders, Jacob Pritt, and Michelle Maguire Sloss.
Julianne M. Weidman is spearheading the article selection process for Volume 93 as Senior Articles Editor. A Marylander, Julianne received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Towson University in 2016. Upon graduating and passing the bar, Julianne will clerk for the Honorable James T. Vaughn, Jr. of the Delaware Supreme Court before joining Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom as an associate in their Wilmington, Delaware office.
The articles editors for Volume 93 are Garrett S. Eggen, Miles S. Fortenberry, Jonah Seligman, Olivia J. Sher, and Ryan M. Tucker.
Ryan P. Niedermair serves as Volume 93’s Senior Associate Editor. Originally from Mandeville, Louisiana, Ryan received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from Rhodes College where he played football. His comment on the criminal defendant’s constitutional right to counsel will be published in the Tulane Law Review Online. Upon graduating, Ryan will serve as a judicial clerk to the Honorable Sul Ozerden of the Southern District of Mississippi.
The associated editor for Volume 93 is Taylor K. Wimberly, and Erin M. Morrissey serves as the diversity editor. Ryan M. Tucker is the volume's Online editor, and Jansen T. Owen serves as symposium editor.
Junior members of Volume 93 include Samantha Astrich, Gabrielle A. Ball, Annie Blanc, Tyler Cochrane, Adrianna Culbreth, Taylor Delrie, Alixe Duplechain, Kansas Guidry, Lindsay Harris, Patrick Isacks, Paul Kieffer, Nicolette Kraska, Ricky Legg, Andrew Mahtook, Jordan Ollestad, Jenna Raden, Peter Rathmell, Matthieu Robért, Matthew Ross, Blair Trahan, Yuxi Wang, Chelsey Whynot, Alannah L. Willis, and Kathleen Wright.
Professor Ronald J. Scalise, a staff member of the Review for Volumes 73 and 74, continues to serve as the Review’s Faculty Advisor. Kristy S. Christiansen will facilitate publication of the Review as Publication Supervisor. Samantha Foster will handle the Review’s finances as the Financial Services Specialist.